Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to get your marks, pick up your work...

By or before August 2nd:
If you want to pick up your practicum and/or CPT after it's been marked and would like comments, let me know by this Saturday. (If you don't plan on picking it up from me, then I won't worry about writing questions in the margins, circling spelling mistakes, etc. But I'll probably put a brief explanation of my mark at the end of every practicum just in case.)

On or after August 15th:
Practicum and CPT marks will be available from August 15th onward. Email me any time on that day or after (and NOT before - I will totally forget to respond if you email me before I have the final marks) and I can tell you what you scored out of 20. Since it will be difficult or impossible for everyone to see the practicum and the official mark sheet, I can also send comments on the group project electronically if you want them.

In Late August or Early September:
Your final grade is posted to your student records. As Steve and Jeffrey noted in lecture today, we can't tell you what that final grade is before it is posted to the website.

On September 9th, 16th, or 23rd:
Practicums and CPTs will be available to pick up from me on the York campus. This isn't all that convenient, I realize - Tuesday is the only day of the week that I will be at York consistently, and only in the afternoon. (And only between 3:30 and 4:30 - though, if necessary, I could also meet just before 12:30.) My office isn't confirmed yet, but it will probably be Founders 168. That said, the best idea would be to email me in advance of showing up so that I can confirm a time and location.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Open Discussion Thread

This post is open for anyone to ask a question relating to tutorial conversations, assignments, or any of our course readings.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

'Pedagogy of the Superhero'

Fyi, an abbreviated version of the powerpoint presentation from Wednesday's lecture has been added to the 'links' section of the class website. (It's abbreviated because all of those pictures made the file so large that it crashed my browser when I tried to upload it. So most of the pictures are gone, but all of the text remains.)

And more importantly, the assignment details - for anyone who didn't write them down or who didn't make it to lecture - are on the very final slide of the presentation.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to hear my lecture! I really appreciated it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

For Wednesday...

My old article on the X-Men/super-heroes and the identity politics of representation can be found on the Worlds of Childhood Readings page. Check it out in advance of the lecture if you have the time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Open Discussion Thread

This post is open for anyone to ask a question relating to tutorial conversations, assignments, or any of our course readings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Notes on office hours and assignments...

1) Since I've been able to leave tutorials early these past couple weeks, I thought I'd rework that time into another office hour. So I'm going to be at Treats in the hour before lecture 3 times in the next 2 weeks: Monday the 21st, Wednesday the 23rd, and Monday the 28th.

2) As I mentioned in tutorial, while Steve gave an option between doing either only the 'Who Owns York U' or both of the final 2 weekly assignments (1. today's concentric circles assignment, and 2. my not-yet-assigned superhero assignment), anyone who wants to do all three can do so for bonus. If you have a zero on one of the assignments, I'll replace it with the average of your two final assignments; if you don't, I'll add to one thing that you already turned in. It's not substantial, but if your mark is right on the cusp of the next highest letter-grade, it could make a difference. Keep in mind, of course, that everything still has to be turned in on time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' chapters 3 and 4

Post any comments or questions about chapters 3 and 4 here.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Open Discussion Thread

This post is open for anyone to ask a question relating to tutorial conversations, assignments, or any of our course readings.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Important notice, re: Practicum

Remember that you must attach the completed Model Release and Consent Form when you turn your practicum in at the end of the month. They can both be found here. (I'm making this reminder its own post because I know that someone(s) will forget, or will attach the forms but leave sections blank. Don't be one of those people!)

Monday, July 7, 2008

'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' chapters 1 and 2

Post any comments or questions about chapters 1 and 2 here.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Open Discussion Thread

This post is open for anyone to ask a question relating to tutorial conversations, assignments, or any of our course readings.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Some 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' resources...

Summaries for those of you who are having difficulty with the text. These might be helpful to review before you actually read the chapter - though I'd advise against reading only the summaries.

-Wikipedia (really brief summaries)
-The Communication Initiative Network (more detailed)
-Freire's work in biographical context

Thursday, July 3, 2008

'Pedagogy of the Oppressed', Intro and Preface

Post any questions and comments about the assigned readings for this Wednesday here.