Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Assignment Reminders

1) If the assignment says one page, it means one page, double-spaced, 12-pt font, 1 inch margins. It does not mean 1 and 1/2 pages, or 1 page single-spaced. Being able to express everything that you need to concisely in 250-300 words is part of the assignment. (Though, as I said in tutorial, I'll let the 1 page single-spaced/2 pages double-spaced thing slide for the Barbie assignment, only because it wasn't absolutely clear.)

2) The lateness policy, again: Once tutorial starts, any assignments that haven't been turned in get a zero. I've made a habit of being a couple minutes late whenever an assignment is due, so there's really no good excuse for turning it in 5 or 10 minutes late - give yourself enough time to fit in washroom breaks or account for the possibility of a printer error. (In all seriousness: I didn't appreciate being put on the spot in front of the class on Monday when people sheepishly tried to hand in their assignments late. If it's late, just sit down and move on - I don't want to see or hear about the assignment.)


Anonymous said...

2) I didn't appreciate being put on the spot

(sorry bro)

so what does one make of the following video...? probably scripted because its dr phil, but i think that kid needs a swift kick


Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure who I should feel more sorry for until the mother (at about 1:34) declared she was "the boss" of her son. Does she ever actually listen to what he has to say? Obviously there's a lot we don't know, but I'm not so sure that it's the kid who needs the swift kick.